Slash Designs
From ExoticA
Slash Designs
N-L> Troop (Dimitri Harinck, swap, also in Extacy or Atlantis, 09/94-95) ???> Axe (Michel van Staveren, code), No-XS (music, 04/03), Poeba (paperartist, 02/94). Slash Designs (sometimes referred to as just Slash) were a dutch-based demo group. 1995 - In april the group went to X 95 where their demo "World Demise" [04/95] came 4th. 2003 - No-XS contributed two tunes to Oxyron's "Attitude #5" [04/03]. World Demise (1995, 23.04, Demo). 4th in the X 95 demo competition.