Nostalgic Reflection

From ExoticA
Nostalgic Reflection
Nostalgic Reflection screenshot
Composer(s) Erik Lydén
Group(s) Quirk
Released At The Gathering '96
Music Format(s) Protracker
Year published 1996

UnExoticA Music Files


Download archive Demo/Lyden_Erik/Nostalgic_Reflection.lha
This demo was released at The Gathering 1996, but didn't compete because of decrunching problems. The group "Quirk" only exists because the members needed to make a group name up to enter the compo.

The demo ignores the module's CIA tempo instructions and plays it at 125 BPM instead of 144 BPM. So the mod has had its CIA tempo instructions removed, to match what you hear in the demo. The original mod is included in the Original/ directory.

Filename File Size Composer Demo Year Group
File List Indent v2.png mod.bouncing_ass 123512 Erik Lydén Nostalgic Reflection 1996 Quirk
File List End v2.png Original
File List Blank v2.pngFile List End v2.png mod.bouncing_ass 123512 Erik Lydén Nostalgic Reflection 1996 Quirk
Tuesday 22 October 2019 (Kyzer): Added to collection
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