Missing AMOS extensions

From ExoticA

This is a list of missing AMOS extensions. It's a companion to the main list of AMOS extensions, which only includes extensions still available today.

Each missing extension, or version, is sourced to a claim that it exists. The main sources are:

Any help tracking any of these extensions is appreciated. Please get in touch by emailing kyzer@kyzer.me.uk

Slot Extension name Author Versions Notes
1 Enhanced Music Extension (EME) Paul Reece V4.64
  • AMOS-list FAQ mentions V4.64. Only V3.0DEMO is available today
5 Compiler François Lionet V1.36
7 Total Map Editor (TOME) Aaron Fothergill V4.24
8 Colour Text (CTEXT) Aaron Fothergill V2, V2.5
8 AMCAF Chris Hodges V1.0, V1.1, V1.16, V1.17, V1.18, V1.19, V1.30, V1.31, V1.41, V1.42, V1.43, V1.44
9 Shuffle / Range (AMOS Club Extension) Aaron Fothergill & Chris Hodges V2.8, V2.9
  • AMOS-list FAQ mentions V2.8, V2.9. Only V2.6 and V2.9Plus are available today
  • V2.9 implied by V2.9 documentation
10 LDos Niklas Sjöberg V1, V2, V2.1, V2.2
11 LSerial Niklas Sjöberg V1, V2
11 CDTV / A570 Controller Extension ? ?
12 Extras Rod Pascoe ?
12 TURBO Manuel Andre V1.7, V1.75, V1.76
12 TURBO Plus Manuel Andre V2.0
  • AMOS-list FAQ mentions V2.0. Only V1.0 and V2.15 are available today
13 PowerBobs Manuel Andre V1.1
  • This article claims V1.1 is the latest PowerBobs version
  • Only "beta version 6" and V1.0 available today
14 Disk Control Extension Rod Pascoe ?
14 Intuition Andrew Church V1.0, V1.0a, V1.1, V1.1a, V1.1b, V1.2, V1.2a, V1.2b
15 Delta Lukasz Zelezny V1.0, V1.2, V1.3, V1.5
15 DOOM Music Extension (DME) Thomas Reetz V1.1
  • AMOS-list FAQ mentions V1.1. Only V2.0 is available today
17 Cool Stars ! ? V1.0
  • No other details but a listing in AMOS-list FAQ
17 Falcon ? ?
19 MED Haiko Lemser V1.0a, V1.0b, V2.0, V3.0, V4.0, V5.0, V7.0, V7.01
  • From V7.1 version history
  • From the timescale and description in the version history, it sounds like all the other versions were just works-in-progress leading to V7.1
20 AMOS OS Interface ? V3.4
  • No other details but a listing in AMOS-list FAQ
20 OS-DevKit Fromentin Brice V1.10, V1.20, V1.62
21 SymBase Lázár Zoltán V0.77, V0.84, V0.89, V0.91
22 Second-Hand Extension Timo Engman V0.01d6
23 JADE Michel Bijlsma ?
24 Diagnostics ? ?
  • No other details but a listing in Andrew D. Burton's guide
24 SLN Søren Nielsen V1.0
25 TFT Turgut Temucin V0.1, V0.2, V0.3, V0.4, V0.5
25 JVP (NoKids) Jens Vang Petersen V0.5, V0.6, V0.7, V0.8, V0.9, V1.0
? Liberator Donald Cameron (T-Soft) ?
? J-Windows John Housley ?
? KewlDoors Niki Murkett / Fosters / Liquid Software V2.1
  • Mentioned here, but downloads no longer available
? AMOS Doors Niki Murkett / Fosters / Liquid Software ?
  • Mentioned here, but downloads no longer available
? P61A, DBM, THX, MMV Haiko Lemser ?
  • Mentioned in the documentation of Haiko's other extensions, MED and FileID
? Atomix Chris Foote ?
  • Mentioned in Totally AMOS #12, in the HOT NEWS section. No other details
n/a IntOS Matthew R. Warren / OTM V1.01
  • IntOS is not an extension. It does not use AMOS's extension system and does not provide new AMOS instructions.
  • IntOS is a standalone Amiga executable called IntOS.CustLib, and accompanying AMOS source code with user-callable procedures and functions
  • The AMOS program launches the executable if not already started, and talks to it through a port
n/a A.G.E. Kevin Picone V1.01, V1.02 beta 01
  • A.G.E. is not an extension. It does not use AMOS's extension system and does not provide new AMOS instructions.
  • A.G.E. is an Amiga library called AGE.lib, and accompanying AMOS source code that loads and calls the library