Crown wrote:A question crossed my mind. Have you ever been in the demoscene?
Hi crown (I remember I send you a cd with all the mods from my site

) the demoscene...err...a little bit...but in the shadow, in the other side of the demoscene, not the darkside, no... more in the..."lamest" side
(oye, my english is not very good, too many deficiencies during the school time...already lame

the main problem was that I was alone or almost...some friends made stuffs especially graphics or musics, but no code at this time...the funniest is that they are now coders in big french companies ... except me!
I've done some...stuffs, 12/15 years ago (see
here and
there, it misses some)
I had written to "Dream" french mag (Vodka/Saturn answered me - I always have his letter) for the french groups list of the demoscene, and in the issue #18 of march 1995, to my great surprise there was my logo in the demos pages! (thanks you Vodka. R.I.P

I tried to restart coding some years ago : rip and convert devils/colors and Project Megaran/Reality modules, some whdload patchs (not very good at all), a startup code and some "tutos" for ADA and many cracktros resourced (flamed by Rob and A1, thanx you bstrds).
but no more "great" things